AAG Committees

AAG Policy Committee

Mandate: Support the creation of forums and opportunities for policy discussion and development to improve the quality of life of older adults by collaborating with other stakeholders and the community at large.

This committee may take the form of a stakeholder collaborative body that oversees major cross-sectoral projects. Committee members will have opportunities to develop and participate in cross-sectoral task forces,

Priority Activities:

  • Build on the outcomes of the 2022-2024 Futures Policy Forum, engaging older Albertans, members of the public, researchers, health care providers, policy makers, and AAG members in follow up workshops, policy planning, development, implementation, and evaluation discussions.
  • Host or co-host meetings, workshops, and/or conferences with other organizations.
  • Explore and develop partnerships with key stakeholders to achieve the AAG vision.
  • Initiate and develop policy initiatives and contribute to policy proposals to support AAG as a change agent at provincial and national levels.

AAG’s Stakeholders Collaborative Committee (SCC)


To advise on implementation of the Futures Policy Forum Initiative and become champions of change. As part of the Futures Policy Forum Initiative, the SCC also advises on the Alberta Health grant-funded Culture Change Project implementation and follow-up activities.

The Committee was launched January 2022 as part of AAG’s strategic priority to advance a culture and community of change.  The aim was to help achieve Alberta’s vision for healthy aging and quality of life for older Albertans and support the transformation plan outlined in the MNP Report.

SCC New Chart 2022


To advise on implementation of the Futures Policy Forum Initiative and become champions of change. As part of the Futures Policy Forum Initiative, the SCC also advises on the Alberta Health grant-funded Culture Change Project implementation and follow-up activities.

The Committee was launched January 2022 as part of AAG’s strategic priority to advance a culture and community of change.  The aim was to help achieve Alberta’s vision for healthy aging and quality of life for older Albertans and support the transformation plan outlined in the MNP Report.

Priority Activities

  • Identify important policy changes and topics that will contribute to  transformative and cultural change to services for older adults in Alberta.
  • Provide suggestions on policies and topics to be discussed by the Futures Policy Forum to achieve these transformative changes.
  • Suggest names of researchers, transformational thinkers, leaders, champions, older adults and family caregivers who could be speakers and presenters to the Future Policy Forum and its initiatives.
  • Communicate the Futures Policy Forum events to their  contacts and interested members of the public.
  • Be change agents advocating for these transformative changes and to provide continual impetus, support and inspiration for these progressive actions.
  • Assess the impact of the Futures Policy Forum in generating awareness and support for implementing a culture of healthy aging and care in Alberta and provide advice regarding possible future events that could achieve this goal.


Members are invited by AAG to bring together a cross -section of representatives including but not limited to: citizens/older adults (Imagine Citizens Network, Alberta Council on Aging, Alzheimer’s Association of Alberta, Alzheimer’s Society of Calgary, Caregivers Alberta, AAG Board members ), service provider associations/leaders  (ACCA, CHAA, ASHCA, HAA), service providers representing continuing care and community-based services, educators representing schools of nursing (UofA) and HCA/LPN (Bow Valley College and Norquest College, and Makami  College) and researchers, Alberta Health Services, and policy leaders from Alberta Health and Alberta Seniors and Community and Social Services.

Committee Process

The SCC was co-chaired by Vivian Lai, Lead for the Futures Policy Forum Initiative, and Marlene Raasok, Vice Chair and Project Manager, Futures Policy Forum Initiative. On V. Lai’s passing November 2023, the SCC has been chaired by M. Raasok

Virtual meetings have been facilitated by Bruce West, AAG member.

Meeting notes have been prepared and circulated by Grace Maier, AAG member and provided to all members.

Committee meetings have evolved in focus over the two years:

Phase 1-January 2022 -December 2022: Cross-Sector learning and input for the Webinars which took place Apri 2022-March 2023 and scope of Culture Change Project which took place Sept 2022 to March 2024.

Phase 2-January 2023 -December 2023: Transformation Needs & Opportunities with review of key reports and reflection on change initiatives and recommendations for action.

Phase 3-January 2024-May 2024: Exploration of Cross-Sector Priorities for change, including an assessment of Lessons Learned from the SCC,  Impact of the Culture Change Project, and recommendations for future coordination and development initiatives (report due May/June 2024).

AAG Membership & Communications Committee


Support the recruitment and retention of AAG members and  promote the activities of the Association to members and  the general public.

Priority Activities

  • Develop strategies for recruitment of new members and renewal of current and past members inclusive of membership benefits review.
  • Maximize the benefits of the website as a vehicle for communication to membership.
  • Develop a strategy to profile AAG as a reputable resource on aging issues.
  • Report activities to the Board at each meeting and take guidance from the Board as a whole for updates, projects, campaigns, etc.
  • Conduct a review of membership fees on an annual basis and make recommendations to the Provincial Board re: potential fee changes prior to Quarter 4 of current membership year to inform the following year’s membership recruitment/renewal drive.

AAG Awards and Scholarship Committee


Manage the annual awards and scholarships process and make recommendations to the Board on recipients based on adjudication using criteria for each award and scholarship.

Priority Activities

  • Review the Awards and Scholarships for the upcoming year with the Board including the value of the cash bursary and scholarships.
  • Create a call for the awards and scholarships and market through AAG’s vehicles, direct contact with educators with Health Care Aide programs or graduate programs,  and other venues that may be appropriate.
  • Receive the applications in April and review the applications and nominations.
  • Present recommendations to the Board in May.
  • Recipients of the Mary Morrison Davis and Vivian Lai Awards will be notified by the AAG President.
  • Support the presentation of Awards and Scholarships at AAG’s Annual General Meeting, ensuring consent and information is obtained to publicize the winners in AAG’s publications.

AAG Governance Committee


Ensure the Board has policies and  procedures in place to guide the operation of AAG in a legal and ethical manner.

Priority Activities

  • Review current policies and procedures from time to time; as needed, develop new policies or update existing ones to comply with all provincial laws and guidelines.
  • Review the bylaws every two years, or earlier if directed by the Board, or earlier if directed by the Board or Government of Alberta.
  • Review the Policy Manual of the Association annually and make recommendations to the Board.
  • Address board succession and its refinement by developing a Recruitment and Board Development Committee. This Committee will conduct a yearly review of Director’s skills to identify Board needs; determine the eligibility of nominees and provide a list of candidates to the Board for election at the AGM.  This Committee will also oversee the annual board and board chair assessment process.