AAG Provincial Student Award 2024

AAG is pleased to sponsor two awards for graduate students in Alberta who have an interest in any aspect of aging. The award is to assist with costs associated with coursework, research, or attendance at a workshop/conference.


The applicant must:

  • Be registered in a graduate degree program in an accredited post-secondary institution in Alberta.
  •  Not be in the last term of their program.
  • Demonstrate an interest in any aspect of aging.
  • Agree to contribute an article for an edition of the AAGmag (e.g. a written summary of planned research).

An individual can receive the provincially sponsored award only once in their degree program.


  • Applications will be assessed on academic merit as illustrated by grades and educational attainment, relevant work/volunteer experience, current studies/research plans, future commitment to the field of gerontology, and an indication of how this award will be used to support the applicant’s interest in gerontology.
  • Preference will be given to full-time students and current AAG members.
Please complete the Application and required letters of support; email one copy of your entire application no later than mid April to:  info@albertaaging.ca.

Nominations will be accepted annually until mid April.

The decision will be made by the Awards and Scholarship Committee, who makes the recommendation to the Board.


Two awards of $1,000 will be awarded annually.
The award recipient will also receive a free one-year membership in the Alberta Association on Gerontology.

Award Recipient swill be announced at the AGM in June and published on AAG’s News and Views and Website