
System Transformation

Webinar Report and Speaker Slides:
– April 2022: Continuing Care Transformation

– May 2022: Community Care Transformation

– Sept 2022: Implementing & Measuring Culture Change to Achieve Quality of Life

Final Webinar Report, May 2023: Advancing a Culture and Community for Change, with summary recommendations for change.

Culture Change Project: Impact Assessment Report

Community Ecosystems for Living Well

Webinar Report and Speaker Slides:
– Oct 2022: Transforming Community Capacity & Home Care & Community Seniors’ Care

– Mar 2023: Innovation in Community-Based Housing: Communities & Housing for Health & Wellbeing

Culture Change Project Report: Wellbeing and Living Well for Older Albertans: Cross-Sector, Community-Focused Collaboration and Service Integration, September 2023

Technology Innovation

Webinar Report and Speaker Slides:
-February 2023: Optimizing Technology & Innovation in the Future Delivery of Seniors’ Services

Workforce & Caregivers

Webinar Report and Speaker Slides:
– June 2022: Improving the Environment for Seniors’ Services Workers

– February 2023: Valuing Care & Family Caregivers

Culture Change Project Report: Enhancing Seniors’ Services Workforce Think Tank: The Conditions of Work are the Conditions of Care and Service, December 2022, with One Year Progress Report December 2023

Culture Change with Longevity and Diversity

Culture Change Project Report: Healthy Aging Summit, Reimagining Aging: Leading the Way for an Integrated Approach-Oct 10-12, 2023, Report February 2024

Culture Change Project Report: Report, Community Forum, Enhancing Individual Wellbeing in Diverse Communities—From Intention to Action, May 2024

AAG Reports & Policy Briefs

• AAG Annual Report June 2024

• Culture Change Project Impact Assessment, June 2024

• AAG Annual Report 2022-2023

Contact AAG for Vision 2023 and other reports/resources older than listed above.