Feature Article – AAGmag Summer 2022

Feature Article – AAGmag Summer 2022

A CALL TO ACTION: RELEASE OF FEDERAL CENSUS – by Marlene Rassok WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR US! Here is what is top of mind: 1. Alberta’s Plan for Change as articulated on our website has never been more important. The large baby boom cohort (people born between...
President’s Message – AAGmag Summer 2022

President’s Message – AAGmag Summer 2022

The AAG Annual General Meeting for 2022 was held on June 21, 2022 by Zoom. Highlights included our annual awards presentations (described later in this edition of AAGmag), reports from the Edmonton and Calgary Chapters and the Provincial Association, election of board...

WHO – Report on Hearing

As reported by the World Health Organization’s World Report on Hearing, hearing loss affects approximately one-third of adults aged 60 years and over. Despite the urgency of hearing health, hearing loss is continuously increasing due to low demand and poor supply and...

Event Recording: How nurses and pharmacists manage BPSD in LTC

How nurses and pharmacists manage behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia in long-term care was presented on May 31, 2022. The recorded event is ready. Watch Now! This webinar describes a nurse mentoring program initiated by Dr Philippe Voyer at the Centre...

Event Recording: The Landscape for Dementia Treatment in 2022

Featuring: Howard Chertkow, MD, FRCP, FCAHS The recorded event is ready. Watch Now! No new medication for Alzheimer Disease and dementia  (other than treatments for the behavioural problems) has been approved in Canada in twenty years. We review where we are now...