Feature Article – AAGmag Fall 2022

Feature Article – AAGmag Fall 2022

2022 Edmonton Chapter Scholarship: Supporting Preparedness of Family Caregivers of Older Persons It is widely known that the number of older adults is increasing worldwide (World Health Organization, 2018). With the heterogeneity of aging (Lowsky et al., 2014; Nguyen...
President’s Message –  AAGmag Fall 2022

President’s Message – AAGmag Fall 2022

I hope everyone enjoyed the warm summer, however brief it always seems. Many of us were able to take a bit of a breather from AAG board and committee meetings and webinars but many members worked hard on various initiatives and preparations. We have an exciting fall...
Board Changes for 2022-2023

Board Changes for 2022-2023

Great AGM! Thanks to everyone who attended. Your presence is so important to the growth and future direction of AAG. Board Changes Thank you and goodbye to our retiring Board members, you will be missed. We appreciate their work on behalf of the AAG. We wish them well...

AGM 2022 – Special Presentation

Citizen Engagement Matters: Why? How Do We Do It?   One of the most enjoyable parts of this year’s AGM was an invited presentation by Dr. Judy Birdsell entitled Citizen Engagement Matters: Why? How Do We Do It? She described the methods used by the Imagine...
Feature Article – AAGmag Summer 2022

Feature Article – AAGmag Summer 2022

A CALL TO ACTION: RELEASE OF FEDERAL CENSUS – by Marlene Rassok WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR US! Here is what is top of mind: 1. Alberta’s Plan for Change as articulated on our website has never been more important. The large baby boom cohort (people born between...
President’s Message – AAGmag Summer 2022

President’s Message – AAGmag Summer 2022

The AAG Annual General Meeting for 2022 was held on June 21, 2022 by Zoom. Highlights included our annual awards presentations (described later in this edition of AAGmag), reports from the Edmonton and Calgary Chapters and the Provincial Association, election of board...